28 March 2008

Easy money

The job search continues, I just love writing 1000 word essays about my Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.  I tried writing "I just ROCK!" but don't think job reviewers fully comprehend the simplicity.   I haven't been successful at finding a way  to receive large quantities of money by screwing off.  

Went to see the Norfolk Admirals (hockey) play the other night.  They (we) got their (our) asses handed to them (us) as usual by the team from another area.  We actually scored a goal, but the other team scored 4.  Sure enough, two seconds after we got up to leave with 5 minutes on the clock a fight broke out, at least we won that.  I have a lot of respect for a guy that can kick another guy's ass while on ice skates, there's a beauty in that.  Way more beautiful than lame'o figure skating if you ask yours truly.  

Those pictures that I have been promising have been put on the back burner, the job search and what I like to call "space out time" have been interfering.  

Patience is a virtue; and a chick that used to live downstairs from me.

I have also been experimenting with messing with the ads posted by gmail.  The homework for this week is to put a bunch of random words on your email signature or blog labels.  Tell me how it turns out!
